- First of all, you need admin rights for your discord server.
- Create two rooms, one for the chat logs and one for the cheat logs.
- Now go to this page and create an application called "ACCIon".
https://discordapp.com/developers - Then click on "Bot" and "Add Bot" and create a bot with the username "ACCIon" (Important).
Copy the token you need it later in the ACCIon. - Disable the "Public Bot" option.
- Now click on "OAuth2", set the cross to "bot" and open the link.
- Give permission for your discord server and ACCIon will join your discord.
- Now open your discord app and go into the options and there you will find under "Appearance" the item "Advanced".
Activate the developer mode there. - Now open ACCIon and there the options. Click on the DiscordBot button
- Now insert the BotToken from punk 5
- Write the ServerID and ChannelID in the required fields. You can copy by right-clicking on the server or channel in the discord. "Copy ID"
To send chat from the discord to the servers is only possible if the IonBridge extension is active.
Command from Discord to the servers works only if the Acmd extension is active. Ex. [Nbsp]ACMD: Broadcast Discord is now active